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Friday, April 17, 2020
The first 12 are card wielder Ace, flute wielder Deuce, the archer Trey, magic-gun wielder Cater, the mace-wielding Cinque, scythe wielder Sice, whip wielder Seven, martial artist Eight, spearman Nine, katana wielding Jack, swordswoman Queen and dual pistol wielding King. The last two, Machina Kunagiri and Rem Tokimiya, double as narrators and the focus for the game's main subplot. Supporting Class Zero are their mentor Kurasame Susaya, and Arecia Al-Rashia, Class Zero's former mentor and the overseer for magical development at the Vermillion Peristylium. Other important characters from Rubrum are Khalia Chival VI, the current leader of Rubrum and headmaster of the Vermillion Peristyrium, and the l'Cie Caetuna. Multiple Militesi figures, led by Marshal Cid Aulstyne, act as the game's main antagonists. Other important characters include the Concordian queen Andoria, Gala, leader of the Rursus Army and the instigator of Tempus Finis, and Joker and Tiz, two mysterious figures who observe the events of the game.
पहले 12 में कार्ड वीलर ऐस, फ्लुट वाइल्डर ड्यूस, आर्चर ट्रे, मैजिक-गन वाइल्डर कैटर, गदा-उपजाने वाली सिंके, स्केथे फील्डर सिसे, व्हिप फील्डर सेवन, मार्शल आर्टिस्ट आठ, स्पाइडरमैन नाइन, कटाना फील्डिंग जैक, स्वॉर्ड्समैन क्वीन हैं। दोहरी पिस्तौल राजा की हत्या। अंतिम दो, मचीना कुनागिरी और रेम टोकिमिया, कथाकारों के रूप में डबल और गेम के मुख्य उपप्लॉट के लिए ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं। सहायक कक्षा जीरो उनके गुरु कुरास्से सुमाया, और अरेसिया अल-रशिया, क्लास ज़ीरो के पूर्व संरक्षक और वर्मिलियन पेरिस्टाइलियम में जादुई विकास के लिए ओवरसियर हैं। रुब्रम के अन्य महत्वपूर्ण पात्र हैं, खलिया चिवल VI, रुब्रम के वर्तमान नेता और वर्मिलियन पेरिस्ट्रियियम के हेडमास्टर, और ल 'कैकेटा। मार्शल सीआईडी ऑलस्टाइन के नेतृत्व में कई मिलिती के आंकड़े, खेल के मुख्य विरोधी के रूप में कार्य करते हैं। अन्य महत्वपूर्ण पात्रों में कॉनकॉर्डियन क्वीन एंडोरिया, गाला, ररसुस आर्मी के नेता और टेंपस फिनिस के प्रेरक, और जोकर और टीज़, दो रहस्यमय आंकड़े शामिल हैं जो खेल की घटनाओं का निरीक्षण करते हैं।
मार्शल Cid Aulstyne ओरियन्स के अन्य राष्ट्रों के खिलाफ मिलिट्स की सेना का नेतृत्व करता है, वर्मिलियन पेरिस्टाइलियम के खिलाफ एक विनाशकारी हमले की शुरूआत करता है और क्रिस्टल जैमर का उपयोग करके वर्मिलियन बर्ड क्रिस्टल को बेअसर करता है। कक्षा शून्य, जैमर के प्रभावों के लिए प्रतिरक्षा, आक्रमण को पीछे हटाना। संघर्ष के दौरान, मैकना के बड़े भाई इज़ाना कुनागिरी को मार दिया जाता है, जबकि कक्षा शून्य के लिए एक मिशन पर। यह घटना बाद में मैकिना और क्लास ज़ीरो के बीच दरार पैदा करती है। कुरसेम और अरेसिया अल-रशिया द्वारा समन्वित, क्लास ज़ीरो रूब्रम के क्षेत्रों को मुक्त करने और कॉनकॉर्डिया के साथ गठबंधन में पलटवार शुरू करने में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है, जबकि लोरिका की राजधानी को मिल्की बम द्वारा नष्ट कर दिया जाता है। एंडोरिया, कॉनकॉर्डिया की रानी, फिर शेष देशों के बीच संघर्ष विराम के लिए मजबूर करती है। मिल्तेसी की राजधानी में शांति वार्ता के दौरान, क्लास ज़ीरो को एंडोरिया की हत्या के लिए तैयार किया गया है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप कॉनकॉर्डिया की कठपुतली सरकार और मिलिट्स ने रुब्रम पर एकजुट हमला किया। अपनी उड़ान के दौरान, माचिना क्लास ज़ीरो के साथ टकराव के बाद बंद हो जाती है, और रेम की रक्षा करने के लिए अपने भाई के भाग्य से लौटने से पहले एक व्हाइट टाइगर l'Cie बन जाती है। व्हाइट टाइगर क्रिस्टल की इच्छा अंततः उसे छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर करती है।
अपने l'Cie सैनिकों और क्लास ज़ीरो की मदद से, रुब्रम ने कॉनकॉर्डिया और मिलिट्स की सेनाओं को नष्ट कर दिया, अपने झंडे के तहत ओरिएंट को एकजुट किया। यह टेंपस फिनिस के आगमन को ट्रिगर करता है, रिर्सस आर्मी के साथ जादुई किले के पैंडमोनियम से उभरने के साथ ओरिएंसेन्स को मिटा देता है आबादी। Cid और Class Zero प्रत्येक Pandaemonium की यात्रा करते हैं: Cid Agito बनने का प्रयास करता है और गाला द्वारा Rursus Arbiter में तब्दील हो जाता है, जबकि Class Zero Tempus Finis को रोकने का संकल्प करता है। जैसा कि क्लास ज़ीरो आर्बिटर के परीक्षणों का सामना करता है, वर्मिलियन बर्ड क्रिस्टल उन्हें l'Cie बनने का मौका देता है। मूल प्लेथ्रू के दौरान, यदि क्लास ज़ीरो प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लेता है, तो वे रुर्सस के खिलाफ लड़ाई में चले जाते हैं और टेंपस फिनिस में नष्ट होने वाले ओरिएंट को नष्ट कर देते हैं और इतिहास के एक और सर्पिल में पुनर्जन्म लेते हैं।
क्लास ज़ीरो ने क्रिस्टल के प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार कर दिया और रेम को उनके स्थान पर l'Cie बना दिया गया। मैकडिना और रेम अंत में एक दूसरे से लड़ते हुए पांडेमोनियम में आते हैं: रेम घातक रूप से घायल हो जाता है, और वह और माकिना क्रिस्टल में बदल जाते हैं। ट्रायल्स से बुरी तरह से कमजोर और मकिना और रेम की स्थिति को देखते हुए, क्लास ज़ीरो शुरू में आर्सेटर को हराने में असमर्थ है। माकिना और रेम की आत्माएं उन्हें वह ताकत देती हैं जो उन्हें आर्बिटर को हराने और टेंपस फिनिस को रोकने की जरूरत होती है। मोटे तौर पर घायल, क्लास ज़ीरो अपने संभावित युद्ध के बाद के जीवन की कल्पना करते हुए अंतिम समय बिताते हैं। वे मकिना और रेम द्वारा पाए जाते हैं, जो मानव रूप में वापस आ गए हैं और शेष ओरिएंट के साथ, मृतकों को याद रखने की अनुमति है। क्रेडिट के बाद के अनुक्रम में, यह कहा जाता है कि क्रिस्टल राज्य उथल-पुथल में गिर जाते हैं क्योंकि क्रिस्टल अपनी शक्तियों को खो देते हैं। मैकिना और रेम ने ओरिएंट को एकजुट किया और दुनिया का पुनर्निर्माण किया, और मैकिना ने रेम के साथ मरने से पहले क्लास ज़ीरो के इतिहास को रिकॉर्ड किया।
एक दूसरा नाटक यह बताता है कि ओरिएंट, अरेसिया और गाला, देवताओं के संबंधित नौकरों पल्स और लिंडजेई द्वारा बनाए गए एक स्थिर समय में फंस गए हैं, जो कि अनजाने दायरे के प्रवेश द्वार को खोजने के लिए एक प्रयोग के भाग के रूप में है। एक अलग विधि का उपयोग करके गेटवे खोलने के लिए एक दूसरे के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा करना, दोनों विफल रहे और एक और प्रयास के लिए दुनिया को रीसेट कर दिया। टाइप -० की घटनाओं से, प्रयोग छह सौ मिलियन बार किया गया था। चक्र के बारे में जानते हुए, Cid, क्रिस्टल्स को नियंत्रण से मुक्त करना चाहता था, और गाला को उसका उपयोग करने से रोकने के असफल प्रयास में खुद को मार डाला। दूसरे प्लेथ्रू के दौरान अनलॉक किए गए एक सीक्वेंस में, जोकर और टिज़, आर्बिटर की हार के बाद अरेसिया से बात करते हैं और उसे क्लास ज़ीरो और ओरिएंट के लोगों की यादों को दिखाते हैं ताकि उसे फिर से इस्तेमाल करने के लिए पुनर्विचार करें। मासीना और रेम के साथ बोलने के बाद, अरेसिया ने प्रयोग को छोड़ने का फैसला किया और दोनों को मानव रूप में वापस कर दिया। एक वैकल्पिक अंत में, अरेसिया ने ओरिएंट के इतिहास से क्रिस्टल को हटाने का विकल्प चुना, जिससे एक नई समयरेखा बनाई गई जहां युद्ध कभी नहीं हुआ और दुनिया की आबादी खुशी से रह सकती है।
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Archadian Empire is ruled by House Solidor, headed by Emperor Gramis. The emperor's sons are Vayne and Larsa, the former a military genius and the game's main antagonist, and the latter a charismatic seeker of peace. Judge Magisters, upholders of Archadian law, protect House Solidor and execute every command issued by the ruling family. The technological marvels of airships and synthetic nethicite—a form of magicite that absorbs Mist—are thanks to Doctor Cid, a prominent researcher from Archadia. The Resistance against Archadia includes Dalmascan knight Vossler, an ally of Basch; Marquis Halim Ondore IV, the game's narrator and ruler of the skycity Bhujerba; Reddas, a sky pirate based in the port at Balfonheim; and the Rozarrian Empire, of which Al-Cid Margrace is a prince of the ruling family. The mythos of Final Fantasy XII revolves around a character known as Dynast-King Raithwall, a man who once united Ivalice to create the Galtean Alliance in ages past.
Two years later, Vaan, a Rabanastre street urchin, ignores his friend Penelo's objections and infiltrates the palace during a dinner celebrating the appointment of Archadian prince Vayne Solidor as consul. In the treasury he finds a piece of magicite, a powerful magical crystal. He is discovered by Balthier and Fran, a pair of sky pirates looking for the magicite. The three escape as Dalmascan Resistance forces assault the palace, and in the sewers they meet the Resistance leader, Amalia, before being captured by Archadian forces. Detained in the Nalbina dungeons, they meet Basch, who was imprisoned but not killed, and who states his twin brother Gabranth was the one to kill the king. The four then escape together back to Rabanastre. There they discover Penelo has been kidnapped and taken to the floating city of Bhujerba by the bounty hunter Ba'Gamnan, who seeks to draw Balthier to him.
In Bhujerba, they meet Lamont, a curious boy who is Vayne's younger brother, Larsa, in disguise. After rescuing Penelo from the Lhusu Mines, Larsa invites her to stay with him. Basch confronts the Marquis over his lies, but the party is captured and detained aboard the Archadian airship Leviathan, headed by Judge Ghis. On the Leviathan, the party is reunited with Penelo and Amalia, who is revealed to be Princess Ashe. Ghis takes the magicite, which is revealed to be a royal Dalmascan artifact, "deifacted nethicite", from Vaan to send to Archadia. The party escapes the airship, but as Ashe had planned to use the magicite as proof that she was the princess, the group makes plans to collect another of the pieces of nethicite, the Dawn Shard. They do so, but are again captured by Ghis; when he tries to use the Dawn Shard in the Leviathan rather than the "manufacted" (artificially made) magicite it normally uses, his entire airship fleet is destroyed in a mirror of the destruction of Nabudis, and the party flees again.
The party encounters Larsa, who seeks a peace treaty between Dalmasca and the empire. Convinced, Ashe and the group go to Mt. Bur-Omisace to seek the Gran Kiltias Anastasis, Ivalice's religious leader, and beg his approval of her as queen of Dalmasca. There, they also meet Al-Cid Margrace, a member of the Rozarrian Empire ruling family, who is seeking to avert a war between Rozarria and Archadia and is in talks with Larsa. Their plans are curtailed when Anastasis is killed by Archadia, and soon afterwards the Archadian emperor Gramis dies and Vayne ascends the throne.
After retrieving the Sword of Kings, which can destroy nethicite, the party journeys to Archadia to retrieve Larsa, who has been taken. There they discover Doctor Cid, who created manufacted magicite, and who directs them to go to Giruvegan as it is the source of nethicite. In Giruvegan, only Ashe can enter the final area, where she encounters the makers of nethicite, the immortal Occuria, who "pull the strings of history"; they give her the Treaty Blade to cut new pieces of nethicite from the Sun-cryst, the source of all nethicite and its power. She learns that Venat, one of the Occuria, has defected to put the "reins of History back in the hands of Man", controlling Vayne and Cid, manipulating the former's goal to conquer Ivalice and become the new Dynast King, and leading the latter to create manufacted magicite to reduce the relative power of the Occuria. Archadia's expansion campaign was a front to capture the existing shards of nethicite.
Ashe and the party journey to Pharos tower, the location of the Sun-cryst, where she decides not to take her revenge by following the Occuria's wishes, but instead destroy the Sun-cryst. The party defeats Gabranth, who reveals that he killed King Raminas, and then the party also defeats Cid, before destroying the crystal. The group later learns from Al-Cid that the Dalmascan Resistance, led by Ondore, is about to fight Archadia in Rabanastre, but the Archadian forces now include the Sky Fortress Bahamut, powered by the Mist released by the destruction of the Sun-Cryst. They infiltrate the Bahamut, and find Larsa attempting to dissuade his brother Vayne from his plans for war to no avail. They defeat Vayne and Venat, and Ashe and Larsa announce the end of the conflict to the battlefield. Larsa becomes the Archadian emperor and Ashe the Queen of Dalmasca; Basch replaces his brother Gabranth as Larsa's protector; Vaan and Penelo fly an airship to meet Balthier and Fran for another adventure.
Two years after Sin's defeat, Yuna, Rikku and Paine recover Yuna's stolen Garment Grid from the Leblanc Syndicate in the first of several encounters in which they vie for spheres. The game is punctuated by a narration of Yuna addressing Tidus, as though she is recounting the events of the game to him as they occur. Meanwhile, the Gullwings discover an ancient sphere containing images of an enormous machina weapon called "Vegnagun" that was secretly buried beneath Bevelle. The weapon has enough power to threaten all of Spira, The Gullwings then join forces with the Leblanc Syndicate to investigate the underground areas of the city in an attempt to destroy the machine before it can be used by either side in the upcoming conflict. However, discovering a large tunnel recently dug into the floor of the weapon's chamber, they realize that Vegnagun has apparently moved to the Farplane, located at Spira's core.
Disagreements between Spira's factions are soon punctuated further after the disappearance of Baralai, Nooj, and Gippal—the leaders of New Yevon, the Youth League and the Machine Faction respectively. Returning to the underground areas of Bevelle, the Gullwings discover the missing faction leaders discussing Vegnagun and learn that the machine's AI allows it to detect hostility and to respond by activating itself and fleeing. The player then learns that Paine had once been friends with all three men. Two years earlier in a cave beneath Mushroom Rock Road called "the Den of Woe," just before the failed Operation Mi'ihen, the squad's final exercise was conducted. Within the cave, the various squad candidates were swarmed by pyreflies and driven to kill one another. The only survivors were Paine, Baralai, Gippal, and Nooj. Before the four survivors could leave the cave, the spirit of Shuyin—requiring a host in order to interact with the world physically—had possessed Nooj, and later forced him to shoot his comrades.
Shuyin possesses Baralai's body, pursuing Vegnagun to the Farplane. Nooj and Gippal follow in pursuit, asking Yuna to keep things under control on the surface. Yuna falls into the Farplane and meets Shuyin, who mistakes her for a woman named "Lenne". Shuyin expresses his anger that Spira's citizens have not yet come to understand the heartache that war can cause, and plans to use Vegnagun to destroy all of Spira.
The player learns that 1000 years before the game, Shuyin was a famous blitzball player in the high-tech metropolis of Zanarkand, and the lover of a popular songstress and summoner—Lenne. Before he could use Vegnagun, Lenne begged him to stop. Shuyin yielded, but a group of Bevelle soldiers arrived a moment later and shot the couple. The Gullwings organize a concert to which everyone in Spira is invited, supporters of the Youth League and New Yevon alike. Additionally, the Songstress dressphere worn by Yuna is revealed to hold Lenne's memories, resulting in a sphere screen projecting them to everyone in attendance during the concert. Witnessing images of Shuyin and Lenne's last moments, Spira's citizens begin to understand the unproductive nature of their disagreements.
Although the factional fighting has ceased, Shuyin has nearly carried out his plan to destroy Spira with Vegnagun. Joining forces with the Leblanc Syndicate once again, the Gullwings make their way to the Farplane and find Gippal and Nooj already battling Vegnagun. Once the group destroys Vegnagun, Yuna uses her songstress dressphere to convince Shuyin to let go. However, Shuyin finally realizes that Yuna is not Lenne and attacks her, gaining a physical form to do so. The Gullwings quickly defeat Shuyin, and Lenne's spirit appears to soothe him as they both depart together. Subsequently, the fayth once located in Bevelle appears before Yuna and thanks her as well. He then asks her if she would like to see "him" again. If the player replies with "Yes", and a sufficient percentage of the game's optional storyline has been completed, the fayth locates Tidus's scattered pyreflies and sends them to Besaid, where they reform; thus, when Yuna returns home, she is reunited with Tidus. Players who achieve 100% completion in addition to reviving Tidus will see an additional reunion scene in Zanarkand where the pair discuss whether he is truly real or still a dream.
Tidus waits with his allies outside the ruins of an ancient city. He narrates the events that led to the present, spanning most of the game's storyline. It begins in his home city, the high-tech metropolis of Zanarkand, where he is a renowned blitzball player and son of the famous blitzball star, Jecht. During a blitzball tournament, the city is attacked by an immense creature that Auron, a man not originally from Zanarkand, calls "Sin". Sin destroys Zanarkand and takes Tidus and Auron to the world of Spira.
Upon arriving in Spira, Tidus is rescued by Al Bhed salvagers, who speak a language that is foreign to Tidus. One of them, Rikku, speaks the same language as Tidus and reveals that Sin destroyed Zanarkand 1,000 years ago. After Sin attacks again, Tidus is separated from the divers and drifts to the tropical island of Besaid, where he meets Wakka, captain of the local blitzball team, and shows off his blitzball skills. Wakka introduces Tidus to Yuna, a young summoner about to go on a pilgrimage to obtain the Final Aeon and defeat Sin with her guardians Lulu, a mage of black magic, and Kimahri, a member of the Ronso tribe. Meanwhile, Tidus joins to help Wakka in the upcoming blitzball tournament to find a way back home. The party travels across Spira to gather aeons, defending against attacks by Sin and its "offspring" called Sinspawn. After the tournament, they are joined by Auron, who convinces Tidus to become Yuna's guardian. He reveals to Tidus that Yuna's father, Lord Braska; Tidus's father, Jecht; and himself made the same pilgrimage to defeat Sin ten years ago. Tidus thought his father had died at sea ten years earlier. Following another attack from Sin, they are joined by Rikku, later revealed to be Yuna's cousin.
When the party arrives in the city of Guadosalam, the leader of the Guado, Seymour Guado, proposes to Yuna, saying that it will ease Spira's sorrow. At Macalania Temple, the group discovers a message from the spirit of Seymour's father, Lord Jyscal; he declares that he was killed by his own son, who now aims to destroy Spira. The group reunites with Yuna and kills Seymour in battle; soon afterward, Sin attacks, separating Yuna and sending the others to Bikanel Island. While searching for Yuna at the island's Al Bhed settlement, Tidus has an emotional breakdown when he learns that summoners die after summoning the Final Aeon, leading to his desire to find a way to defeat Sin while keeping Yuna alive. The group finds Yuna in Bevelle, where she is being forced to marry the unsent Seymour. They crash the wedding and escape with Yuna. The group heads toward the ruins of Zanarkand, seen in the introduction of the game.
Shortly before arriving, Tidus learns that he, Jecht, and the Zanarkand they hail from are summoned entities akin to aeons based on the original Zanarkand and its people. Long ago, the original Zanarkand battled Bevelle in a machina war, in which the former was defeated. Zanarkand's survivors became "fayth" so that they could use their memories of Zanarkand to create a new city in their image, removed from the reality of Spira. One thousand years after its creation, the fayth have become exhausted sustaining the "Dream Zanarkand", but are unable to stop due to Sin's influence.
Once they reach Zanarkand, Yunalesca—the first summoner to defeat Sin and unsent ever since—tells the group that the Final Aeon is created from the fayth of one close to the summoner. After defeating Sin, the Final Aeon kills the summoner and transforms into a new Sin, which has caused its cycle of rebirth to continue. Yuna decides against using the Final Aeon, due to the futile sacrifices it carries and the fact that Sin would still be reborn. Disappointed by their resolution, Yunalesca tries to kill Tidus' group, but she is defeated and vanishes, ending hope of ever attaining the Final Aeon. After the fight, the group learns that Yu Yevon, a summoner who lost his humanity and mind, is behind Sin's cycle of rebirth. This leads the group to infiltrate Sin's body to battle Seymour, and Jecht's imprisoned spirit. With Sin's host defeated, Tidus' group vanquishes Yu Yevon. Sin's cycle of rebirth ends, and the spirits of Spira's fayth are freed from their imprisonment. Auron, who had been revealed to be unsent, is sent to the Farplane. Dream Zanarkand and Tidus disappear, now that the freed fayth stopped the summoning. Afterward, in a speech to the citizens of Spira, Yuna resolves to help rebuild their world now that it is free of Sin. In a post-credits scene, Tidus awakens under water. He then swims towards the ocean surface, and the screen fades to white.
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